My Lovely Wife Julie

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 18


    I can't believe its nearly a month since my last post. 

    The last few weeks have been very up and down. julie had another dose of Radio to the Spine yesterday to try and relieve new pains. She is now on a lot more Diamorphine to supress the pain she has.

    We have had Two failed attempts to get off the Syringe Driver.  Both occasions resulted in Julie having severe withdrawl symptoms.  It appears that she is not absorbing…

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 17


    The Diamorphine was increased at the weekend to meet pain levels.

    Julie looks at me with a blank expression that is making me feel very lonley.

    Conversations are very one-sided.

    Are we near the end ?, I don't know, nobody does. 

    Forward planning does not exist.

    Company is a box of soft tissue

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 16


    Its been an up and down week. 

    Sunday morning we had 2 doctors and 2 nurses in the house to conduct a review on Julie.  The outcome was a syringe driver with a concoction that put her to sleep for the rest of the day.

    The coctail worked and yesterday the Mac nurse suggested the driver came down and go back to tablet treatment.

    This morning Julie is back on a driver to sedate her more than anything else.

    I think this…

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 15


    Thanks to all for your words of support, I do appreciate them.

    We have just had a good couple of weeks.  Our 31st Wedding anniversary was on the 3rd and I booked a table at the same place we had our reception all those years ago.  Thankfully the place was still up to standard and we had a lovely lunch outside in the sun.

    Yesterday afternoon, without warning, there was a small amount of vomit prior to her afternoon nap…

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 14


    Back home again.  

    The pain is manageable but not under total control.  Quantities of Meds are quite high but we will just have to see over the next 4 weeks if the Radio does anything to help.

    We have been able to get out for short visits to friends that has cheered us both up.

    Grip and balance are still not perfect and I am having to watch her every move but things are better than 3 weeks ago.