My Lovely Wife Julie 18

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I can't believe its nearly a month since my last post. 

The last few weeks have been very up and down. julie had another dose of Radio to the Spine yesterday to try and relieve new pains. She is now on a lot more Diamorphine to supress the pain she has.

We have had Two failed attempts to get off the Syringe Driver.  Both occasions resulted in Julie having severe withdrawl symptoms.  It appears that she is not absorbing oral medication so will have to stay on a Driver for the foreseable future.

I was woken at 4.45am this morning by a very aggitated Wife because the Syringe Driver had failed to deliver anthing since midday yesterday.  It only took an hour before a Nurse arrived to deliver a sub cut cocktail but to Julie it seemed an eternity.

Its getting very tireing for the both of us.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman,

    This is where you use all your strength and caring. Keep

    strong I know it wont be easy for you or Julie.

    Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman,Thinking of you both,I know the feeling looking after Pete every week just seems like one long day, they all roll into one ,if you understand what i mean,sometimes we have to think what day it is.We both love football and with the season finished its even worse,keep strong for your Julie like i do for my Pete.Hugs Chris.xx