My Lovely Wife Julie

  • My Lovely Wife Julie One week on.


    Its just over a week since Julie left.

    I have shed a lot of tears with friends and family

    I have arranged for the funeral at Nuneaton Crem on 25th at 12.45am.

    I went today to say goodbye and hold her hand for the last time. 

    I left a photo of the grand children in her hand and placed a bracelet round her wrist that our grand daughter had made.  She is only nine but is strong enough to console Julies mum when she arrived…

  • My Lovely Wife Julie


    Thankyou all.  Your kind words are worth more than I could ever have imagined.

    I hope to be back on line as soon as I can to offer support to others in need.

    xx Stuart

  • My Lovely Wife Julie Died tonight


    At 9.45 tonight Julie spoke her last words to me.................... "I Love You" .................I replied "I Love You"

    There was nothing more to say

    She has no more pain

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 20


    I had to feed Julie last night - pasta with a bolognase sauce, and I cried as I spooned it in.  Our 22 month Grandson has more control over a spoon.

    Our Mac nurse said " things are definatly changing" - don't I know it.  Sometimes she answers when I speak and sometimes she looks straight through me. I also have to help her hold a beaker to drink.

    The steroids will be upped tomorrow and maybee she will be…

  • My Lovely Wife Julie 19


    Words are hard to find to express what I feel.

    I am living the life of two people and I am getting tired.

    The time off I get from Caring is usually used up with errands connected to Cancer.

    But enough about me.............

    Julie is plodding on, occasionally under too much medication but mostly coherant and pain free. 

    Outwardly she is not the girl I married but underneath she is still the woman I love