My Journey

  • And again


    OK.  Let's go..... I just didn't feel right Christmas week. Don't know what it was. Went to planned oncology app to for routine check in February.  Told my doctor I didn't feel right so he ordered a ct scan. Had scan 2nd March.  Results day 28th March.  Hmm maybe not too good. The disease has spread again. I was gutted. Saw one of the surgery team in April.  Just a bumming wait between appts.  Anyway he wanted another…

  • diary 27-8-12


    Hi there,,, its 2 days til I see the Liver specialist, and getting more nervous by the day, its feels like my life is on pause lol....The pain in my right side seems to be manageable apart from the sudden outbursts which take my breath away and make me feel sick. Hopefully I will get a dae for the op when I go on wednesday, fingers crossed.

    On a happier note.... My Grandaughter is 4 today, doesnt time fly.... I was…

  • Diary. 23/08/12 Thursday


    It's 6 days til I see the liver specialist and it cant come quick enough. My Gp gave me some stronger pain relief and its working a little bit, instead of the pain being like a knife, its more like a dull pain, but still very painful, but at least its manageable. I baked yesterday, and managed to eat quite well. I am a big girl but have lost just over a stone in 3/4 weeks. I could do with losing a bit just sadly not like…

  • The beginning


    Hello, and welcome.My name is Yvonne and i am 46 years old. Married, children and grandchildren.For the 3rd time in 13 yr, tha cancer is back, its in my liver this time, I have to see the liver specialist on 29th August, then hopefully he will liase with my onc and i will know when i will have my op. I have a great family and the most supportive friends. The pain has been really bad, but I saw my GP yesterday and he…