And again

1 minute read time.

OK.  Let's go..... I just didn't feel right Christmas week. Don't know what it was. Went to planned oncology app to for routine check in February.  Told my doctor I didn't feel right so he ordered a ct scan. Had scan 2nd March.  Results day 28th March.  Hmm maybe not too good. The disease has spread again. I was gutted. Saw one of the surgery team in April.  Just a bumming wait between appts.  Anyway he wanted another scan done. Had scan done eventually on 15the may. Now I would be seeing the doctor on 1st June but I am gonna have a holiday which has been booked for months. So I will see doctor on 8th June.  Disease is on pericardium. Omentum.  2 spots in my liver about 1 cm each. Have an abdominal mass which is quite big. Two hernias where the disease has eaten through.. The pain is unbearable at times. I feel like I'm going mad. The morphine is working to an extent but having major pain breakthrough. Will see my GP again this week to have Meds increased as I determined to have this holiday before any surgery or other treatment. . That's all for now. Thanks for reading... Yvonne
