The beginning

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Hello, and welcome.My name is Yvonne and i am 46 years old. Married, children and grandchildren.For the 3rd time in 13 yr, tha cancer is back, its in my liver this time, I have to see the liver specialist on 29th August, then hopefully he will liase with my onc and i will know when i will have my op. I have a great family and the most supportive friends. The pain has been really bad, but I saw my GP yesterday and he gave me some really strong pain relief and glad to say it kicked in very quickly. Sad to say but my dad has cancer too and he is not as fortunate as I am as his cancer is untreatable, he is basically living on borrowed time now. We are keping each other going at the moment, along with the family. Anyway I will stop there... thank you for reading x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yvonne,

    I'm sorry to hear that your cancer has returned. I'm glad you've found our Community and hope you get some support here. It may help you to join and post in some groups that are relevant to you - this is a good way to share things with members with similar experiences. For example, you may be interested in the Liver Cancer group.

    It must be really hard to know that your dad has untreatable cancer. Perhaps it might also help you to join our Being a Relative group, for those who have family members with cancer.

    If you are in need of someone to talk to, you can also call our free Macmillan Support Line on 0808 808 0000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm).

  • FormerMember

    Hello Yvonne.Im sorry youre having to come here,if you know what I mean but I hope things go well for you.Very sorry to hear about your Dad.Take care.Hugs xx

  • FormerMember
    Hi Yvonne, Really sorry to hear your news about further diagnosis of cancer and your dads diagnosis too. I found out in May that my cancer had returned and that mine could no longer be cured although I am receiving treatment to 'control' it at the moment. Good luck with your appointment, let us know how you get on. Lou x
  • FormerMember

    Thanx to Bonnie and Janique for your words of support I appreciate it... xx