
Less than one minute read time.

Hard day at the hospital yesterdat, had a group talk about chemo then a 1 to 1 with the nurse.

My chemo starts on the 21st with me having a line fitted on the 14th and a heart scan on the 16th so all go.

Couldent sleep last night, too many things on my mind it was so much to take in, and my imagination doing overtime lots of aches and pains:(( and  then have a head ache today as im tired.

Up at silly oclock tomarrow to go to a dog show and the same on Saturday for a working test, get them in before the chemo makes me ill, at leat looking at the dates hopefully I wont miss anything I want to do because of treatment

  • FormerMember

    Hugs !! Hoping your chemo goes well. I'm sure I will be the same when my date approaches, I've got to wait to the 17th for treatment discussions.

    I'm sure the stress and worry is making aches and pains appear and our minds imagining the worse at all times now, Our mind is so powerful, we gotta use it to think positive. But all these free range emotions that change so quickly are normal too.

    Good Luck Caz xx

  • FormerMember

    Come on Carole, 

    You can do this, I'm rooting you on and now you have a date you have something to aim for, the chemo is going to kick ass!!!!

    Enjoy the dog show and your beautiful dogs and try not to let all the aches and pains get to you , remember one day at a time.

    Ruby xxxx