
  • First cycle of ESHAP

    Cycle 1: Day1 - So my day started off with my central line being put in at 9am! *yawn*. That itself was hard. I hate having anaethetic it stings like mad but i keep in my mind what its needed for and i get through it. The rest of the say i felt like id been punched in my neck but i know having a line in is definately worth it for all the treatment. I found having a picc line alot quicker and easier to insert but this…
  • Bone Marrow Biopsy

    So i had my bone marrow biopsy on wednesday and it was as i remembered from the first time. The doctor i had do mine was brilliant! Talk me through what she was doing and why, she just really had me at ease. Once the anaesthetic has got to work i got hold of my gas and air and began taking about 4 deep breaths before she began. I could feel the pressure and funny feeling down my leg but it totally took the edge off and…
  • Introduction


    In August 2011 my whole world came crashing down and i was given the news that i had cancer! I had Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 4b. It didnt seem real. I was 19 year old! Before being diagnosed i was really ill and had nearly all symptoms of Hodgkins lymphoma so to finally know what it was and that there was something that could be done about it was quite a relief. I found myself saying to my consultant 'right when do we start…