First cycle of ESHAP

1 minute read time.
Cycle 1: Day1 - So my day started off with my central line being put in at 9am! *yawn*. That itself was hard. I hate having anaethetic it stings like mad but i keep in my mind what its needed for and i get through it. The rest of the say i felt like id been punched in my neck but i know having a line in is definately worth it for all the treatment. I found having a picc line alot quicker and easier to insert but this line is fine and i would recommend anyone having chemo to have a line in, i never liked having cannulas in atall. So once id had my consultation and a quick chat about how my treatment was going to happen snd possible side effects of chemo along with the plan of what we go to if plan A doesnt work which would be SGN35 (plan b). So i didnt get hooked for my chemo til 5/6pm!!! It took forever! But i just got set up in my bed ready for it. Once it finally came i was told id be having: - Etoposide over 1 hour - Cytarabine over 2 hours - Methylprednisolone over 15 to 30 mins While all these are going on im also on a continuing drip of Cisplatin for 4/5 days! Plus a hell of alot of fluids so am peeing like theres no tomorrow! I found myself not having any side effects except for abit of a metallic taste in my mouth after having the Methylprednisolone which is the steroid. Appetites good and tummys fine so fingers crossed i can maintain this but it is just day 1! Im feeling positive about it even though im more of a 'the glass is half empty' kind of girl, mind you am not depressing about ot i just like to know worst case cenario so i can be prepared for them telling me anything else cause it will be a positive to me ( if that makes sense :/)