
1 minute read time.

In August 2011 my whole world came crashing down and i was given the news that i had cancer! I had Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 4b. It didnt seem real. I was 19 year old! Before being diagnosed i was really ill and had nearly all symptoms of Hodgkins lymphoma so to finally know what it was and that there was something that could be done about it was quite a relief. I found myself saying to my consultant 'right when do we start treatment? the sooner the better'. After discussing everything with my consultant i decided to go for the RATHL study which meant i was to start on ABVD. I had 2 cycles of that and then had to go for a stronger chemo called BEACOPP. I had this chemo until christmas eve when i was told it had worked and i didnt have to have any more chemo. It was the best news i could have hoped for i was in remission. My boyfriend took me away on a holiday to Egypt and when i came back i was given the devasting news that i had relapsed and would need more chemo. Because it came back so soon after my first lot of chemo i have to have ESHAP followed by a stem cell transplant. Now im going to keep a diary of what happens from now. First thing is to have a bone marrow biopsy on wednesday 13th june which iv had before so im looking forward to that gas and air! It done wonders the first time round. I just hope that other will find my posts as helpful as iv found others and if i can help anyone else il be more than happy :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yasmin, just reading your blog.  My husband had Eshap followed by stem cell transplant using donor cells in October last year - he had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and is doing just fine.  Prior to that he had been diagnosed 4 years previously with no remission at all until he had the Eshap which did the trick and the transplant followed.   Just keep breathing that gas and air - big deep breaths now and if you want anymore info dont hesistate to get in touch or private message me.

    Take care now,

    Julia x

  • FormerMember

    Yasmin,Wishing you good wishes for this weekxxxx

  • FormerMember
    Hi julia, thats good to know hes doing well now. Ita reassuring to have read quite a few success stories from eshap and sct so im hoping for the best. Il be sure to message if i have any questions. Thanks! Thanks wobbleangel :)
  • FormerMember
    Hi there Sorry to hear you have relapsed. I've never been offered gas and air for a bone marrow biopsy, is it better than sedation? I might see if I can have that next time. What sort of SCT are you having? I've had a SCT so may be able to advise you. Jo
  • FormerMember
    Hi jo. The first time i had it done i was offered sedation or gas and air and i didnt have anything until it got uncomfortable and she got me a tank of gas and air and told me to breathe really deep and when i start feeling high she will carry on and it was amazing! Iv not had any sedation before so i cant say if ita better but i didnt feel anything and the best bit was i didnt have to wait for anything to wear off i was able to go hope pretty much straight away. Iv been told am going to have the allogenic is it called? The donor cell one because im clearly unable to fight the lymphoma cells so have donor cells would be better to fight them. Plus i have 4 siblings there going to test for a match so fingers crossed i can use one of them. Any advice would be brilliant! Yasmin