My diary from Diagnosis TC

  • testosterone 24/05 injection



    what a complete and utter waste of efffing time and energy wasted today!! (soz) making up for some hours at work this week so I can leave early for these appointments, had a double appointment with GP today at 4pm so he could give me a prescription for the injection for the testosterone go and get it and then go back to him to administer it to me, got back and he wouldnt do it he said that the nurse could do it and…

  • news!! 23-05-2011



    At last!!

    there was me whining last week that nothing is going fast enough, and have an appointment tomorrow with GP for my injections for testosterone and have received a call from the Christies hospital asking me down on Friday this week, she apologised for being short notice, felt relieved but am now scared out my wits, there seems to be a bit of a relief or weight has been lifted from my shoulders, it is strange…

  • Thurs 19/05 professor



    Just got back from the hospital to see  professor Wu the endocrinologist, only an hour and a half late, he as a little concerned about the scarring and also my lymph nodes, he's putting me on injections testosterone one a.s.a.p with my GP, cant book appointment for 3 weeks.... and again in 6 weeks and then every 3 months, work that one out!!! and he is also pushing for the appointment for Christies Hospital, so should…

  • Tues 17th May..nothing



    its tuesday and still nothing from Christies regarding any treatment, am feeling really tired and down at the moment and even though my diagnosis doesnt sound as bad as a lot of people on here I feel alone and more numb, My partner has suddenly started doing the silent treatment and even though I try and talk nothing gets said back, my friends and colleagues at work have been brilliant, though I have shown to be more…

  • Antibiotics done


    well its sunday, antibiotics are done tubes of E45 cream as advised by consultant, it is now just the long wait for Christies hospital to get in touch with me for scans and whatever next, consultant was pleased with the progress except for the infection but that is healing nicely now. feeling a little easier at the moment but scared of the what is going to happen next, have endocrinologist this Thursday coming, meaning…