testosterone 24/05 injection

1 minute read time.


what a complete and utter waste of efffing time and energy wasted today!! (soz) making up for some hours at work this week so I can leave early for these appointments, had a double appointment with GP today at 4pm so he could give me a prescription for the injection for the testosterone go and get it and then go back to him to administer it to me, got back and he wouldnt do it he said that the nurse could do it and where was she, she was in minor ops this afternoon. I had to stop on the way home and gets some cigs (20)...sorry...I had planned to quit and was from 40 previous down to 10 a day with a view over the next 2 weeks to stop completly, my plan was there and was doing well.  thats gone out the window, will try again tomorrow, I now have to go on Thursday this week to the nurse at 10am for this dam injection another couple hours making up more time at work.  I have an appointment tomorrow with the liver clinic (final appointment)so may ask if they can do it for me. if not thursday will have to do.  its now sat on my kitchen table!!

Thanks guys essay and rant over




  • FormerMember

    Hi Mark

    If I was in your position I would be doing a lot of ranting too.

    All the best for tomorrow.


  • FormerMember

    Well all your Dr managed to do was waste a perfectly good appointment.

    How pathetic is he. I would make a complaint about him to the practise manager there was no reason that he couldn't do it for you he was just being pigheaded.

    There I've ranted for you too.

    Hope all go's well at the liver clinic and when you finally get your injection!

    Good Luck Love Julie xx

  • Hi Mark,

    This is typical of what we are up against when dealing with these people, and we have no recourse which is the annoying thing.

    Like you i was all keyed up for a proceedure tomorrow, it having been cancelled twice before, only to recive a letter telling me it has been cancelled again for 2 weeks in the future, Annoying because i had taken holiday to cover it, arranged for someone to take and collect me and stay over for the night as deemed neccasary.

    Its enough to drive one to drink or fags!

    (I have been waiting since 23 dec for this appointment to happen)  so i can appreciate your predicament.

    all the best


  • FormerMember

    hey Pauli,

    sorry about your appointments being messed up and the holiday thing to most annoying, my bosses have said that if anything like this was to happen they would revoke my holidays and give me them back when I had chance to go if anything planned, they have been brill but that is not the point, I think I would (energy permitting) would kick off and just tell them that it is your life they are messing about with and you want it back, (easier said than done) but would give it a go, still didnt get my injection done today, she couldnt do it as a different dept. she was apologetic though.. anyway getting it done tomorrow, and I aint leaving until it is doen lol..

    the cigs part am pretty pissed about that as I was doing well from 40 to 10 in a couple weeks and planned to stop over the next 2 weeks, have the same pack as yesterday so its looking good again now, feel a little happier that appointment friday at christies hospital, but still petrified in a nice (ish) way now

    Take care and thanks for your message
