My daughter Stevie

  • my beautiful daughter

  • what next


    After having her grade 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma debulked again in January my beautiful daughter stevie had a stroke. After rehab she was able to walk and talk again, but unfortunately the poor wee soul caught pnuemonia and has spent the last 3 months in hospital. Before going into a rehabilitation unit we were told that she had swelling on her brain, that was 4 weeks ago and we are waiting for an appointment to start…

  • Angry all the time


    I am getting so angry at everyone at work and all the moaning that they do. I want to scream at them and tell them to get a life. I know I am feeling like this because all I do is worry about my daughter. I am going to try Yoga and meditation to see if I can calm down a bit.

  • My daughters brain tumor


    My daughter Stevie was having funny turns for a number years and the doctors were not very helpful. 2 weeks before her 25th birthday she was send for a scan. This showed that she had a brain tumor. She had an operation one week after her birthday to de-bulk the tumor. She came through the operation really well the only side efect was she had lost part of her sight in one eye. The following year the grade 4 tumor had grown…