Angry all the time

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I am getting so angry at everyone at work and all the moaning that they do. I want to scream at them and tell them to get a life. I know I am feeling like this because all I do is worry about my daughter. I am going to try Yoga and meditation to see if I can calm down a bit.

  • FormerMember

    Dear Karen, your anger is totally understandable.  I wouldn't lose it with your colleagues though - they just don't know what you and your daughter are going through.  We on here will be only too pleased to listen to your thou ghts/feelings and share your distress/anger.  It sometimes helps to write down how you feel no matter what those feelings are and knowing someone will read them and be able to share them or give you advice because we're all in the same boat on macland, can help you deal with each day at a time.  I wonder whether there is someone at work  you can confide in about how you are feeling - no-one wants to be insensitive towards you, they just don't realise what you are going through.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen,

    Ann has said it all. We are all here for you if you need us,Just come on and get it all off your chest.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Guy's have had a crappy few weeks. Your comments have made me feel a lot better.

  • FormerMember

    I have not written for a few months my daughter Stevie had to undergo more surgery to debulk the tumor again. Unfortunately she suffered a stroke during surgery. After a few months of rehabilitation she finally got home, but for the last 9 weeks has been in hospital with Pneumonia the poor wee soul is just not getting any breaks at the moment. She is back in a rehabilitation centre to learn to walk again before going for pallative chemo. Why is life so bloody unfair shes only 28 and has had to suffer so much.