My darling, clever, funny Dad

  • My head has gone to mush


    I am going to call the lung cancer specialist nurses tomorrow about pain relief for my Dad, and want your help folks.

    I had lots of questions I needed answering, but for some unknown reason, my head has gone to pea soup and all the questions have been lost in the fog.

    I have read here about different stages of cancer, and wonder, do I need to know this? If so, what should I ask?

    Can any of you please advise me on questions…

  • Mother's day woes


    So, we have been round to Mum and Dad's today to celebrate Mother's day. After battling through the hoards of visitors (brothers and their families) we gave Mum her gifts and saw Dad. He looks in pain (guarded and pale) and on asking Mum, she said he has been in pain all night and most of yesterday. He is taking tramadol, but it doesn't appear to be having much of an effect.

    He is such a stubborn bugger,…

  • a ray of light maybe


    So today Dad had his appointment with the oncologist. She told him that he has squamous cell carcinoma in his lung with lung secondaries and a 'spot' in his right shoulder. He starts treatment next week, with 5 sessions of radiotherapy, followed by chemo two weeks later.

    He seems so much brighter today, knowing it is worth, in his words 'giving it a go'. He is prepared to fight, and I am so glad he still has…

  • a lovely day out


    On Saturday I went out for the day with my Dad. We put the top down on my car and drove in the sunshine to the coast. Once there, he bought me coke and crisps, I felt like a child again. We sat in the sun, on a bench and looked out at the sea. It was lovely.

    It gave us a chance to chat and to talk about what was happening and what may happen in the future. It was both sad and necessary but memorable.

    I asked him if…

  • Oh Dad


    This is the first entry of my blog. As you can already see, my Dad has been recently diagnosed. He is the foundations which make our lovely family so strong. We need to stay strong for Mum, and the children (5 grandchildren). My two brothers and me are devastated, but have to put on a brave face for both Dad and is so difficult.

    Dad seems to be rather philosophical about it all, saying 'well, we all have to…