My chemotherapy journey

  • Phew


    A lot better today, still feel slightly nauseaous, but no where near as bad as the past couple of days. I'm thinking maybe this is something I just need to get used to and expect each month. To be honest a couple of days, although I felt really unwell, are bearable in the long term.

    Thanks for the wishes and comments, they are appreciated.


  • Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the woods


    No posts for the past couple of days as I have been very unwell.

    I finished the chemo drugs on Saturday, I felt very weak for most of the day but no sickness or nausea. Sunday was a different story though. I woke at 6:30 am and straight to the bathroom, wretching into the toilet, then back to bed, this went on for the rest of the day every hour or so until 8:00 pm, I had been taking my anti sickness meds…

  • Day 3

    Afternoon folks

    Day 3 of the second cycle of chemo and day 2 of the oral meds. I feel fine so far no nausea so all is well.

    Have to say I felt a wee touch apprehensive taking the Fludarabine today for some reason, can't explain it but just felt as though it was a confirmation that I am wither I feel it or not unwell. Strange I know picking on that one particularly, only reasoning I have for it was a comment made…

  • Today's treatment

    Hi folks

    Started the second round of chemo today, I'VE Ritixumab. All went very well, nice environment comfy chair and cheery staff. Start tomorrow on the Fludarabine and cyclophosphamide, For three days. So far so good no ill effects, however that's the way it started the first time. I have different ant emetics this time. Ondansatron I think they are called. I'll start them in the morning prior to the chemo drugs…

  • Pre chemo bloods


    Well, had my pre chemo visit today, and bloods, in the docs words, are "wonderfully normal". So good to hear the doc say I have had a very good start. My bloods are now as follows

    WBC. 4.8

    Neutrophils. 2

    Platelets. 109

    Heamoglobin. 139

    Lymphocyte. 2.3

    I know it's very very early days, but it has given me a boost, and I don't feel so apprehensive about Wednesday and the second cycle. I…