Pre chemo bloods

Less than one minute read time.

Well, had my pre chemo visit today, and bloods, in the docs words, are "wonderfully normal". So good to hear the doc say I have had a very good start. My bloods are now as follows

WBC. 4.8

Neutrophils. 2

Platelets. 109

Heamoglobin. 139

Lymphocyte. 2.3

I know it's very very early days, but it has given me a boost, and I don't feel so apprehensive about Wednesday and the second cycle. I'm sure everyone understands the aprehension and understands that, even though you try not to, thinking about it, and the constant what if, is never far from your thoughts. Not what if I didn't have this, but, what if my bloods are poor what if I have further symptoms etc. I'm very lucky so far and I hope everyone else going through treatment just now or are about to commence have as good a response as I have so far.

Now the real battle begins though, get this out of my bone marrow. We all know we can't be cured but the better response to treatment gives the better remission which is what we all are hoping for.

Take care and good luck everyone.


  • FormerMember

    Billy - I'm jealouse of your wbc count!    Great news and long may this continue.  

    Best wishes

  • FormerMember


  • FormerMember

    Hi Billy,

    I wish you well with your next treatment round, and hopefully your new anti-sickness pills work better than last time. Your blood results are looking really good, no wonder it's given you a boost.

    I'm at hospital tomorrow to have my bloods done and it will be really interesting to see what my new counts will be after my 1st treatment. LIke you, I had a bad week after treatment, but have felt really well since then.

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    Great news Billy, onwards and upwards as they say, or should that be onwards and downwards, blood counts that is. ;-)
