Day 3

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Afternoon folks

Day 3 of the second cycle of chemo and day 2 of the oral meds. I feel fine so far no nausea so all is well.

Have to say I felt a wee touch apprehensive taking the Fludarabine today for some reason, can't explain it but just felt as though it was a confirmation that I am wither I feel it or not unwell. Strange I know picking on that one particularly, only reasoning I have for it was a comment made by the heamo nurse, that, if any of them will make you feel Ill it will be the Fludarabine, maybe I just had that in my head.

I have one more day of the oral meds to take. On the first cycle it was after all the meds had been taken that I felt nauseous, hopefully with the change of anti emetics I'll escape it this time.

Do feel perfectly fine in all other ways, makes me feel like a fraud at times,

