My chemotherapy journey

  • Another day over


    That's the last of the oral tablets taken, thank god.

    I have felt very weak and lathargic since yesterday morning, so decided to have a lazy day today but I can't even do that comfortably. I have already been sick twice today even though I have been taking the anti sickness cocktail of ondansetron and metoclopromide. The sickness has started a day earlier than the last two cycles, so I'm hoping its not…

  • Three down


    Well that's me home with cycle three over and done.

    Everything went very smoothly this time, in at 11 am, in the chair by 11.30, drip started by 12. All complete by 4:30.

    This time I took a Ltr bottle of drink and along with 3 cups of tea drank this during the infusion. I had read before to drink plenty when getting the infusion, and wheel the drip to the loo when required, to make sure the toxins were…

  • Round three

    Hi folks

    On Tuesday coming I have my pre chemo bloods and round 3 chemo on Wednesday.

    I have to say I'm a bit apprehensive this time, after the sickness on the 2nd cycle.. Last time it was two days of feeling horrible head down the toilet sickness. Although as I said previously I would take the sickness every day if at the end of the treatment I had a good result

    The wait this time for the next cycle…

  • Check in

    Hi folks

    Well not been posting for a few days. I have been feeling very good this week no sickness at all, no fatigue, pretty much back to normal. I have spent the week Woking away in the garden, and taking he dogs for long walks, 2hours at a time, much to there distress.

    I still have a week and a bit until the next chemo, feeling as good as I do makes me feel like a fake sometimes, especially as I'm not working…

  • Normality returns


    Well thankfully, I have returned to almost normal again. I still feel a bit weak, very slightly nauseaouse. But as today has progressed I have felt more like myself.

    The only thing I'm finding, and I did slightly the last cycle also, is I get a bit down. Not about the CLL or chemo just a general thing maybe sad is a better description. Not sure if its anything to do with the treatment or maybe I'm just getting…