Finding it ha rd

1 minute read time.

Its starting to hit me that my dad isnt here anymore for the advice and support he gave me. Im missing him so much and im trying to be strong for brandon but i feel as if im spiraling out of control the now. My dad was the one that would tell me how everything is going to be ok and just take it easy. When im worried about brandon he would be there to tell me he will be ok and now hes not. Brandon has became a bit withdrawn the now and wont talk to me about it. I wish i was made of strong stuff like my dad said i was but im not.

I am trying everything for the kids and trying to act like normal but im crying over stupid things and thats not me. Which is upsetting the kids and im trying hard not to but i cant help it. Sorry for venting on here its just i cant tell my mum how i am the now as she isnt any better im being her rock and my sisters the two of them are finding it really hard to cope with so they turn to me. Which i dont mind but its in my head as well.

thanks for listening

choc claire xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    dear claire ((((((HUGS)))))) hope to "see" you again soon in chat .............. xNx

  • FormerMember

    Claire, I think your Dad did know you well and if he said you are strong....I for one won't disagree with him.

    However, being strong doesn't mean you won't struggle or need do ask for it Claire....maybe a little chat to Macmillan might help?

    We are here for you and we know its not the same.....but we care.

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Aw Choc

    No one expects you to strong all the time, don't expect that of yourself either, you hav had so much going on in such a short time, I think that in itself would put you under enormous pressure.  You need someone too, and thats what your friends here are for, vent all you like on us we have strong shoulders, your whole family are grieving and you must allow yourself  to do that.  Debs is right maybe a little chat with Macmillan will make you realise you are human too they are there for you to use when you feel you need to.  please do not be hard on yourself you deserve some tlc.

    Your friend

    Jo Mac

  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire, so sorry you're feeling so overwhelmed at the moment. You are going through some traumatic times and of course you're going to feel that things are spiralling out of control. Your loss is so very recent and with everything that is going on it's only natural to feel this intense pressure.

    You have been so so strong throughout your dad's and Brandon's illnesses, and maybe now you need time just to grieve for your dad and tears are a natural reaction. We are all here for you Claire and we are all willing Brandon to recover and as Jo says we've got strong shoulders so whenever you need one to cry on i'm sure you'll have plenty of volunteers. Sending you and your family lots of love and hugs. Gill xxx

  • FormerMember

    i,m sorry to hear how sad you feel choc but u are an amazimg person and in time u will get there off that am sure all my love and (((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))dorisxxx