Hope this year is better than last one

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I thought i would let you all know how the wee man is doing. On one hand he is doing good and the other not so. He only has another 2 chemo to get so he should be finished for the end of febuary. hes to get test done cause he is having a constant pain in his eye so they want to check it. Sorry i havent been in for a while but i have been busy dealing with everything and helping my frind through some hard times. i send my love to everyone and happy new year to you all and fingers crossed it will be a better one xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Choc

    Wish you and yours the very best for 2010


  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire, I've missed you in chat hun, sometimes it's good to see a familiar face!  Hope Brandon does ok with his next two chemos and that the pain in his eye turns out to be nothing to worry about.

    Lots of love to you and yours for 2010.

    Marsha xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire nice to see you again.  Hope you and the family had a good Christmas.  I have been asking in chat if anyone had seen you.  Hope Brandons final two chemos go well and that the pain in his eye turns out to be something and nothing!  Let us know how his test goes.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire

    I have been thinking about you - I don't visit the site very often now but keep an eye on the blogs.  I hope the pain in his eye turns out to be nothing to worry about - will be thinking about you.

    Best Wishes

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Claire good to see you, I've not been here much since November but glad to hear the chemo is almost finished for Brandon and hoping that the eye pain is nothing sinister.

    Love & Strength to you all.

    Debs xx