My Brave Boy

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Brandon has had another block of chemo and isnt doing that well. He is losing weight even when hes taking his build up drink so they are trying him on new tablets to see if that will help. This chemo is knocking it out of him this is only the 3rd of 7 , he was only ment to get 7 blocks but the nurse said yesterday hes down for 8 to 16 blocks and i went mental. I havent seen his consultant since august just before brandon had his surgery. I said he wont be taking any more until the doctor speaks to me and tells me whats going on.

He is trying to be the big boy but the cracks are showing and he hates the way he feels. He has a birthday party to go to on sunday and i hope that cheers him up being a kid for a while without thinking about it.


  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear Brandon isn't doing well.  No matter how brave one is or how strong, chemo does take its toll.  I know how it feels to be told that the finish line I thought was nearing has been moved farther.  At the start of my son's treatment,  I was handed his chemo schedule from February all the way to June and I was overwhelmed. It was a rough time watching him suffer through each round of chemo ( 5 in all) but we kept our eyes on the goal and after his surgery in June, I thought he was in the clear. He was already thinking about going back to school.

    It was an unpleasant surprise when we were called back in, quite unceremoniously I might add, for chemo. I told the doctor's assistant to give me a schedule so that I could see the end line because at that point it just felt frustrating and never-ending.  My knees almost buckled when I was handed the schedule of his remaining treatment and the list went all the way down to course 19!  I didn't think I could bear to watch him go through 14 more courses and I didn't know how to break the news to him.  

    Now, he's done with course 15 and fingers crossed we'd be done before Christmas. I can already catch a glimpse of light at the end of this year-long, dark tunnel.  

    I think it's important for us to be informed and in the know each step of the way. I hope your doctor can explain things to you clearly.  

    Do hope that party cheers Brandon up and you,too, when you see him having fun.

    Love and hugs to you both.

  • FormerMember


    I have been thinking about u but keep missing u in chat

    Hope Brandon soon feels stronger and enjoys his party

    Will catch up with u later

    HUGS for u all

    Chris xxx

  • FormerMember


    Brandon has shown more bravery and complained less than most adults.

    I am sorry that his treatment is so tough on him, he could really do with a "break".  I hope the party is the tonic he needs right now.

    Not been in chat for a while but I follow your blogs.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • Hi Claire      sorry to hear that Brandon is having a tough time hugs to you both, I found strong tasting foods easier to eat along with simple food like mince and mash. Hope they get him sorted so that he starts to put some weight back on. If I remember it took me a while to stop loosing weight and then putting it back on, problem now is stopping it going on so you never know he may just turn the corner.

    best wishes


  • FormerMember

    oh claire sorry to see the wee man is havin a hard time .Hope he starts to enjoy his food bit more soon.Its finding those things he fancys or treat things.

    thats a lot of treatment for a wee lad .But hes being very brave i think .Hope u see the doctors soon and find out whats going on .

    love to you both .nanaboo xx