My journey with Bladder Cancer

  • Update: Week 5 after surgery!

    Following the trend from previous weeks, mostly positive, but with a couple of challenges, and no tears (but there was one explosive outburst of anger!), and a resigning! Operation Debris (My nickname for it) continues and is becoming quite draining...
  • Update: Week 4 after surgery!

    Most of this week has been positive, although there have been challenges and a few tears. Operation Debris (My nickname for it) started last weekend, which has been uncomfortable, yet honed my running skills. Basically (sparing the gruesome details) ...
  • Update: Week 3 after surgery!

    This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions ... from a rather robust positive approach last weekend, to a midweek crash of positivity. Today I got to meet the man that will manage the Anaesthetics when the operation is done in 9 months time. Basic...
  • Update: Week 2 after surgery!

    Well today wasn't the answer I wanted, but it was the one I got. At the moment I am cancer free ... but we knew that, they removed the two tumours that were found in the TurBT! It will come back, and the options are fluid ... both tumours were ca...
  • Week 1 after Surgery

    I am very extremely moved by the beautiful comments left on the announcement last Friday, and have slowly started to thank people. Life without the catheter is a whole lot better (those 3 days really were hell, probably more so than the Op!) One am...