Update: Week 3 after surgery!

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This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions ... from a rather robust positive approach last weekend, to a midweek crash of positivity.

Today I got to meet the man that will manage the Anaesthetics when the operation is done in 9 months time. Basically it will be two operations in one, and likely to take 4 hours followed by 2 nights in high dependancy, 10 days on a normal ward, and likely to be 6 to 9 months before I feel remotely normal!

Lots of numbers and facts and still we have the "chemo" section to get through first ...which in my head is just a word, without understanding what my body will make of it!

Tonight I feel positive again, I doubt it will last .. and the random song that came on the radio, just about sums it up. I am not a big Elton John fan, and I have always hated this video, but he did put on a cracking show at Glastonbury, and the words seem appropriate ... I am still standing!

To all of my friends, have a great weekend, and stay healthy!
