My journey with Bladder Cancer

  • Update: Week 10: The Chemo cycle 2!

    Let's recap, Chemo is a cocktail of poisons. My treatment name is GemCarbo (Gemcitabine and Carboplatin) administered intravenously. A cycle consists of week 1 day1 Both chemicals, week 2 day 8 Gemb, Week 3 No treatment (to recover to do it all...
  • Update: Week 9: The Chemo phase!

    As cycle 1 draws to a close, and a well earned treatment free week, as I build my strength up to deal with the next cycle. It seems strange to consider that is already 25% of chemo completed and the Cancer is dead and dying! It has been a challenge,...
  • Update: Week 8 after Surgery, Chemotherapy

    Session 2 of the first cycle is done, that is 25% of the killing of the Cancer! This blog might be a little bit of a ramble … Chemo fogs the head a little Next week involves no treatment, a chance to get over the last two weeks and regroup rea...
  • Update: Week 7 after Surgery, and start of the next phrase - Chemotherapy!

    Chemo is the scary period, it comes across as a blackhole of information because there are so many variations, and everybody deals with it in different ways! Unknown side-effects (2 pages of possible symptoms), fatigue, sickness, isolation. Basically...
  • Update: Week 6 after Surgery!

    This was a week to take stock of all of the changes that have gone on in the last six weeks. Gym on Monday with Fit4Surgery felt good, something to do with blue skies and sun ... starting to push the numbers up, although these trips will be short liv...