Update: Week 4 after surgery!

1 minute read time.

Most of this week has been positive, although there have been challenges and a few tears.

Operation Debris (My nickname for it) started last weekend, which has been uncomfortable, yet honed my running skills. Basically (sparing the gruesome details) the body has a bit of a spring clean and jettisons unwanted bits from the previous operation. Sentences have been left hanging whilst I rush to the loo! Not good for self confidence, and hopefully short lived.

Wednesday I had the chance to take a place at the Oncology department to discover the regime for chemo for the next 4 months. The doctor wasn't the most positive, and I left feeling a little despondent, and with a phone that miraculously survived a dip in the loo! The mask slipped later that day and I had a cry ... it's ok to be sad sometimes ... right?

Thursday and an appointment with fit4surgery who will be working with me to help me get fit for the operation. We have a couple of weeks of using the gym at Loughborough University before Chemo starts to kick off a fitness campaign. This will be continued at home during chemo (My immunity levels will be compromised so not allowed at the gym). This was quite an inspiring meeting, so positivity was topped up!

Apart from the Amazing friends I have on here, and the mighty NHS ... Macmillan are so good with support and providing a wealth of knowledge!
