Week 1 after Surgery

2 minute read time.
I am very extremely moved by the beautiful comments left on the announcement last Friday, and have slowly started to thank people.
  • Life without the catheter is a whole lot better (those 3 days really were hell, probably more so than the Op!)
  • One amazing friend gave up almost a whole afternoon to share lots of really useful information on thinking positive, preparing myself for the coming weeks, and practical things to do ... Thank you (you know who you are)
  • Wednesday, I receive a letter announcing I will have a telephone appointment with the surgeon - 18/7 .... 6 weeks away, longer than I was told but I could prepare! I will be at home for the news ... guess I can align a G&T after the call!
  • Thursday, Out of the blue I get a call from the third Leicester hospital ... I have an 8.45 am CT scan. Not a problem, but pre-warned might have been useful. Login to MacMillan to see what support they offer, select the cancer group for me and post a message. Several welcoming messages of support and reassurance that the CT scan was standard. All Good, felt reassured!
  • Friday, CT scan + contrast dye, I now know what a microwave meal feels like. A nice breakfast to treat myself, then a text message ... "due to unforeseen circumstances the meeting on the 18th July has been bought forward! It is now 23rd June ... only a week to go, and more aligned to the original schedule.
  • Friday evening entertainment. Fish on Friday features around his pending operation next week! Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing ... light entertainment but they had to run a section on a friend that had testicular cancer! The news broke over facebook that one of my photo walking buddies had lost his battle to Cancer! The news programs were full on about Junior doctors strikes. On another channel a patient is refusing a scan! Check out Prime .. Bill Nighy "Living" an amazingly beautiful film about a bureaucrat facing a terminal illness (had to stop watching) and lastly ... Thank you Chrome, because I had clicked on a Macmillan link, I now have a facebook feed full of adverts for them and Cancer Research
... Give me a break!