
1 minute read time.

where do i strart? arghh!

been having problems with my mum atm.. my boyfriend has been battling bowel cancer for a year, and im depressed.. he's about to have his last operation on his lung to remove some mets.. then hopefully nothing more.. just regular check ups (he had bowel cancer).. he is just recovering from a liver operation...

my mum is always on my back about stupid things.. last weekend she got drunk (she sometimes drinks to much) and was really nasty to me.. i tried talking to her and she always says "you need to move out".. im 24 turning 25 in dec..

i would love nothing more than to move out but right now am broke, and my boyfriend has no money because he hasnt been working since getting sick.. i stay over at his house with his family a lot but i really wouldnt like to move in with them.. it just wouldnt work..

today i tried telling my mum im angry that she never seems to ask how i am or seem to care and she started on me how 'uncomfortable' she was that i was living at home.. she said its time i moved out (she knows well i have no money).. im so hurt so i try talking to dad and he ignores it and says do i really love my boyfriend? like leaving him is an easy option that will "UN DEPRESS ME"! ive supported my boyfriend this far why would i leave him?

mum said that i use him as an excuse all the time to be depressed.. FORGIVE ME FOR BEING UPSET! its like they dont get it at all!  now i dont knwo what to do im stuck.. i have no money and really seems im not welcome at home anymore.. really dont wanna move in with the boyfriends fam.. :(

i feel like my life is never going to get better.. i try telling people how i feel, i try explaining that ive got it tough and they keep telling me to 'be young live life'.. well im trying to!

anyway just had to vent.. im just angry.. and sad and everything else that comes with this!

  • FormerMember

    Hi,If i was you i would be going to see my doctor,have a talk and put your name down on your local council list and tell them the situation.I hope your mum never finds herself in your position as many are on here.hope this helps,hugs Chris.xx