feeling annoyed!

Less than one minute read time.

so my beautiful boyfriend is recovering from his liver operation and its been three weeks now.. he's been through so much in the last year and i think he's so brave...BUT im starting to feel angry at him and resentful.. i feel so GUILTY about it to! like for eg.. if i say i have a sore back, the then complains he's tired and sore.. i am always massaging him, cleaning up for him etc... if i have a bad day he reminds me he's worse.. its like im not allowed to be sick or angry anymore!

do any other partners out there ever feel this way? he's family has given me a lot of grief since his diagnosis, he never saved his sperm before chemo ( i want kids in the future).. i just feel like ive "put up with" a lot.. i know its not his fault he has cancer but i still get angry that ive had to deal with all this and we're not even married!

just had to vent!


  • FormerMember

    YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! I know exactly how you feel and I'm sure all other carers do too.  I once threw a book at my husband and shouted 'it's alright for you!  You have an entire entourage of medics plus numerous well wishers who worry about your every cough!'  Not my finest moment.  But you are human and you need to take some time for you to be you.  Make sure you treat yourself and pamper yourself and above all, don't give yourself a hard time for finding hard stuff hard!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Missym,

    If you feel,that your boyfriend is getting all the attention

    because he has Cancer ,and you are being ignored.

    What makes you feel like that ?? There seems to be a lot of anger in your Post. You say his family give you alot of grief, they have a son suffering from Cancer and they will hit out at anything they think will hurt him or interfere with

    their Family life.

    Why dont you and your boyfriend have a sit down with his family have a talk and try and clear the air. This

    Disease seem to be bringing alot of anger. Instead of

    Support Caring Love and Understanding.

    Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx