
1 minute read time.

so today my best friend told me  her and her boyfriend are going to buy a house.. as her best friend i should be jumping for joy being happy for her.. but instead im jealous and wishing it was me instead... after our convo i go back to the hospital and my boyfriends lying there trying hard not to be sick! he had his liver operated on 3 days ago and he's really nausiated and unwell :( they cut a big chunk from the middle where the two tumors were and glued the two sides together.. he also had his gallbladder removed to..

and now im concerned that the liver will get more tumors.. he had his bowel operated on 7 weeks ago and they removed a big tumor which wasnt cancerous thanks to radiation and chemo.. the surgen said when he took the two liver mets out he couldnt see any more.. and its been months since he had chemo so im guessing its a good sign..

i really am just over it! i just want my boyfriend to feel better asap! everyone is so worried but i know its the drugs making him feel yuck.. we're just inpatient! i just want this all to be over so we can move on with our lives! we're only in our early twenties we should be celebrating our lives not going through this! :( im angry, sad and just down.. nobody at work even cares to ask how im going, they all stress and get anxious over the dumbest things!

anyway enough of my worries just had to get that all off my chest :)



  • FormerMember

    Hi Missym86,

    Not sure but maybe you missed the point of the site, we offer support  to those suffering from the effects of cancer, think that does include you mate !!.

    Course you are jealous, you want a future, not the least bit selfish honest.

    Like most of us patients on here,  we want the cancer to be our problem, but it affects those we love, the ones who can only sit and watch. You want to share his life, you are partners and honest he need you - but he is the only one who can fight. Just be there for him, it  takes time to recover, you may have to stand on the side but you are a vital part of his recovery, life and future.

    Hope you get your chance soon to buy that house, plan a family  and look back on this a lesson in life, never take life for granted, live each day  and love each other. But never feel you have to apologise for being down or hurting, we understand, we have been there

    Love and hugs to you both , hope your future shines bright, remember to return and tell us how good life is the future - promise ? We love happy endings

    J xx