Miss Nutter's Cancer Journey

  • Constipation, suppositories and a pile!!!

    So recently I've had a tube inserted to my side to drain the urine. My problem tho is coming from other end. We seem to have the situation in hand Witt feeding me suppositories which is slowly working my problem is I've developed a pile grrrrr. Not happoy I can tell you anyway. Skyliving have been and filmed successfully. I was even allowed my cats to visit ludo was very happy to see me. I'm gonna have to cut off…
  • The big move

    So for those of you interested I'm being moved to Pendleside hospice on Tuesday. Now I do plan on leaving its mearly a stop gap that will hopefully sort my legs out and get me into some fit state so then I can go home. Now I did juggle with my conscience for a while about going because the physio team here at Blackburn are really good and definately know their stuff and are helping me tremendously. And Pendleside have…
  • The littlest hobo of east lancs NHS trust

    Leah hit the nail on the head. I am a NHS bum. Bumming ( immature I know, but still funny) from hospital to hospital - tonight I referred to our house as Carl's. So I'm back in Blackburn having just completed a blood transfusion which znno electric bed ( this makes me think what am I gonna be like when I get home!!!!.)  Getting home opens a whole new can of worms carl and I miss each other terribly and can't wait for…
  • My first steps and skyliving

    Well I know I only blogged yesterday but so much has happened today. Today I took my first steps in about a month. I had the use of my Zimmer frame and the aid of 2 physiotherapists but I did it ..... Yeah!!! My left leg is very weak but the physio people seam really pleased with the movement I do have so that's all good. it's friggin hard work trying to postion a leg I can't feel. Also Cat from sky living has been…
  • Bedpans, new friends and pajama bottoms

    So I am now in Blackburn hospital ward C11. My time here has mostly consisted of me led on a bed pan trying to control my bowels. Which I am doing very well thank you. No thanks to the fact that I say NO every night to laxatives. They are obsessed with ramming it down your neck because of the pain killers that I am on! Something else they are obsessed with is upping my pain killers every day it's a bigger dosage. Now…