The littlest hobo of east lancs NHS trust

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Leah hit the nail on the head. I am a NHS bum. Bumming ( immature I know, but still funny) from hospital to hospital - tonight I referred to our house as Carl's. So I'm back in Blackburn having just completed a blood transfusion which znno electric bed ( this makes me think what am I gonna be like when I get home!!!!.)  Getting home opens a whole new can of worms carl and I miss each other terribly and can't wait for me to get home. But I worry,things are not gonna be the same as before, there is so much stuff I can't do for myself. And there is so much stuff that carl can't do . I'm led here all day with nothing to do except get paranoand worry ! Right I'm gonna sign off before I subconsciously kill the Olympic torchbearer. 