Mike Dowding

  • Calmer day


    Far less hectic than yesterday's drama! Fire works beautifully! Now have to decide whether I have the nerve to go for a really dramatic feature wall in the lounge when I change all the decor!

    Had to postpone today's lunch as the person I wass meeting had a very poorly son overnight and was shattered. Never mind, something to look forward to next week.

  • not so good day


    Yesterday was, to say the least, a little hectic. New fireplace arrived and was being fitted at 8:30. Should have taken about 4 hours so no problem getting to the hospital for 2 pm to get line and bloods done!  Then when the fitter opened the old grate to fit it he found he had to do some brick laying to close the gap. No problem you would think. Left him doing the brick laying and dashed to the hospital for 1:30 hoping…

  • good things to come


    Off to sis's today for a good Sunday lunch, will probably put on a few extra pounds but What the heck! Also heard yeaterday evening that my new fireplace is made and will be fitted on Wednesday than out to lunch with an ex-colleague on Thursday if I can persuade the hospital to move my line and bloods from 2 pm to a little later. Hope they understand tha,t as he is flying in from US then on to Frankfurt, we can only get…

  • Waiting for district nurse


    My GP practice has now employed district nurses, so am sitting in this am waiting to meet one for the first time. Hope that I will find out a bit about what support they can offer, although I don't feel that I need anything at the moment, I am sure that I will need some in the future and it will be nice to know that someone is available shoudl i require support.  Until I have met her, I really don't know what questions…

  • going for discconnect


    Well, today going in for disconnect of the "condom in a bottle" after 4th cycle. Really good on side effects so far, hiccoughs this time only coming in shorter spasms (damn! shouldn't have mentioned them they have started again! lol) not diarrhoea although could be the immodium is workiing better than last time.

    Keeping fingers crossed that this continues so that I can go out for lunch next week with ex…