Mike Dowding

  • Busy week - again


    Today meeting with GP practice nurse to review drugs for my heart then out ot lunch at a Chinese buffet. Tomorrow PICC line flush and bloods. Thursday oncologist appointment. Thursday three internal door being fitted. Friday, free (I hope), Saturday/Sunday strippiong (no not a sexy review!, clean your mind out!) painting and wallpapering..

    Oh well keeps me off the streets. Not that I'd make much money there these days…

  • tired


    Very tired since I woke this am but determined to make the planned trip into the city. Made it, then decided to take a pile of stuff to the tip to start clearing out some of the accumulated rubbish of years! Now feel like going straight to bed but will not give in, so decided to write something instead and then will go and catch up some letters that I owe people.  I will not let this rule my life as long as I can help…

  • Guilty


    Sometimes I feel so guilty as I read other posts. I seem to be suffering so little from side affects of my 5FU and Oxyplatin, just hiccoughss after the fifth cycle. Not that I am not grateful but some people seem to go through so much more, I just wish I could be more supportive.

    I am so grateful also for the support of family and friends who have realised that I am not going to hide away and am quite prepared to have…

  • 5th chemo nearly over


    Going for disconnect of the condom in a bottle today after the 5th chemo. Yippee! No side effects at all so far and keeping my finger crossed there won't be.  Must remember to ask how many I have to have and whether I have a scan scheduled to find out how it's working or not.

    When I asked how long I had left to me my oncologist said, he didn't know and would prefer not to say but that I would know when the time…

  • next session


    Today going for 5th session of chemo. Hoping it goes aswell as the 4th when the onoy side effect was hicoughs! Definitely don't want the diarrhoea of the third session. Oh well, I can't complain, when I read of what others are going through, I almost feel guilty that it has given me so few problems.