not so good day

1 minute read time.

Yesterday was, to say the least, a little hectic. New fireplace arrived and was being fitted at 8:30. Should have taken about 4 hours so no problem getting to the hospital for 2 pm to get line and bloods done!  Then when the fitter opened the old grate to fit it he found he had to do some brick laying to close the gap. No problem you would think. Left him doing the brick laying and dashed to the hospital for 1:30 hoping they would be able to fit me in a little earlier. No chance! Got in at 2:45 then flush would not go through and blood wouldn't come out!  They decided that they would have to replace the PICC line by rail roading it. CoulD I come back at 4:30 to get that done? Yes but could I please dash home to attend to my fireplace fitter? Noproblem. Got home to find he had another 2 hours work to do. Had to try 3 naighbours before I found one who would be in to make sure house was secure when he finished and keep the keys for me until I could get home.

Dashed back to hospital arriving at 4:35 after getting stuck behind a driver doing 20 in a 40 mph limit!

No bed available to get line done so sat in the waiting area til 6:00. No problem with the line going in. Down to A &E x-ray at 6:50 to check line in correct position because standard x-ray had finished by then. Got x-ray done. Back to day procedures to get nurse to look at the x-ray. Yippee! Everything OK. Decide that there is no way I feel like cooking so pick up a Chinese on the way home. (Meal not a person!). Got home at 7:45.

Now the plaudit! The nurse, Mel, was a star! She should have gone home about 5:30 - 6:00 but stayed right through to make sure that I was OK. Why do people complain about Heartlands? The staff are absolute stars, always cheerful, caring and thinking about thepatients first.

So sometimes you have to wait around! THINK FOLKS! There may be a good reason! Other people may be worse than you and neeed emergency treatment, Staff cannot plan for this and can do wwith your care in the way they care for you.

  • FormerMember

    Your day does sound like nightmare logistically! But I have to say thank you for your comments on waiting and nurses (I am about to qualify). My mum has been in hospital this last week and I spent my whole week playing go-between from my family to the staff, most of who I knew having been on placement with them. It is horrible having to wait but usually, there is a very good reason. Please don't feel abandoned most of the time if you are being made to wait it is because you are seen as well enough to wait. I wish you luck with your ongoing treatment and enjoy your new fireplace.

    Diane x