going for discconnect

Less than one minute read time.

Well, today going in for disconnect of the "condom in a bottle" after 4th cycle. Really good on side effects so far, hiccoughs this time only coming in shorter spasms (damn! shouldn't have mentioned them they have started again! lol) not diarrhoea although could be the immodium is workiing better than last time.

Keeping fingers crossed that this continues so that I can go out for lunch next week with ex-colleagues.

Felt sorry for hte staff on Ward 19 day procedures at Heartland Hosspital in Birmingham on Monday when they were short staffed because of illness. Usual 3-4 hours stretched out to 7 but definitely not the staffs fault they were running around like headless chickens trying to deal with so many people in for their doses of chemo. Congratulations to the patients too as no one got irritable at having to wait more than usual.

Inspite of the often negative reports in the news about the hospital, I cannot praise the staff enough for their care, attention and good humour in the face of impossible work load.  They know all their patients by name and are alwyas willing to explain what is going on. Well done!
