Mike Dowding

  • 8th chemo over


    Well that's 8 done and another four to go! Have a CT scan on Friday then line and bloods to follow. Just have to hope there is good news but whatever happens I mean to keep going and fight.

    Bit of a mixed bag today. After yesterday's hiccoughs, my ribs feel as if they have gone 12 rounds with Mike Tyson! Fodd is also a problem as I don't want the hiccoughs to start agaiin. The only other problem at the moment reminds…

  • 8th chemo


    8th chremo under way, Tingles in my fingers, tingles in my toes; sounds like a cue for a song! Great four hours on the ward with the nurses, as ever, cheerful and ready to have a laugh as were many patients in my area. 3:30 pumps beeping all over the place and the nurses dashing round like blue **sed flies! Don't know how they cope sometimes but always kind, cheerful and friendly.

  • Friends wedding


    Today i went to the weding of a good friend. Wow! Eat your heart out Kate & Will! She had chosen the Parry "I was glad" for her entrance (before K & W), the difference was that as a singer many of the guests were from choirs so instead of just the choir of the church, all her music was sung by a large part of the congregation. The music, everything from Monteverdi's Poppea and Nero to Irving Berlin, in the church was…

  • Another not too brilliant day but.....


    Well another day of feeling a bit rough, although better than yesterday. Managed to find enough energy to get a suit for the wedding on Sat. The bride wants me to join in the choir for Parry's "I was glad"  but am not sure at?  the moment that the dry trhoat is up to it!

    As someone who lives on their own, I am sometimes a bit worried as to what is happening to me. My oncologist wouldn't give me a prognosis…

  • Not the best of days


    Mouth feels like a ferrets armpit, sore throat, very sleepy all day, food tastes cr*p, did two poached eggs and dropped one on floor of kitchen. Oh well days can't all be good so am determined that tomorrow will be better. Have to go and get a suit for a wedding on Saturday as nothing fits any more! Although nice to be back to my teenage svelte self at 66!