Mike Dowding

  • Good news, I think follow up.


    After being given a holiday from the chemo and all treatment for 3 months until September and thinking "Great! can really enjoy the summer". I sat here last night and started to wonder whether it was such good news. If, as the registrar said the tumour was slightly larger than in August last year, why stop the last 3 chemos that were scheduled?

    Presumably, the chemo was working as I had no treatment from August…

  • Good news, I think!`

    wow! went to have a line flush followed by appointment with oncologist. Just going to geet started on flush, oncologist dashes in going "Stop! come with me". Then he tells me that they have decided not to do the last three chemos, but are going to give me a holiday from the treatment till September. Very dramatic! and good news, Tho the cancer has increased very slightly on the liver but  no sign of…
  • Cancer nurse


    Well I'm off to the hospital today to see my lovely cancer nurse, Rebecca. I suspect that the results of my CT scan will not be available yet as it was only on last Friday and that I may get them next Thursday when I see my oncologist. Just read that sentence and realised it sounds as if they belong to me exclusively! Following up the visit to the nurse with a visit to Heartlands Ward 19 Day Procedures Unit to get line…

  • Improvement


    Stiopped feeling quite as tired today. Just wish I could get my taste back. Read some other blogs from people who have the same problem but with the addition of diabetes cannot do many of the things suggested because of the sugar. In the supermarket today was shocked to find howw much sugar was in plain yoghourt which my oncologist had suggested might help! Same with milk shakes, ice cream and mousses etc even fruit juices…

  • Get up and go got up and went


    Well after the 8th chemo just wanted to sleep all the time. Mon and Tues only woke to eat! This is not like me at all, mouth feels like a ferret's armpit and food tastes terrible. Heigh ho! CT scan tomorrow at 9:00 am followed by line and bloods so it is a good job I have a pass for the car park or my bank ballance would be hit again.

    Then it is the wait for the results, fingers, toes and everything crossed unti…