8th chemo over

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Well that's 8 done and another four to go! Have a CT scan on Friday then line and bloods to follow. Just have to hope there is good news but whatever happens I mean to keep going and fight.

Bit of a mixed bag today. After yesterday's hiccoughs, my ribs feel as if they have gone 12 rounds with Mike Tyson! Fodd is also a problem as I don't want the hiccoughs to start agaiin. The only other problem at the moment reminds me of a couple of lines from Noel cowarde's "That is the end of the news" vix "the only result of her last operation has been gales of wind at the least provocation". Hey ho, it just as windy outside today so obviously a match. Also haave been very sleepy but did manage to get to PC World to get a new printer. Apparetnly I will, If I can get it fitted up properly, print from anywhere in the world via email. Technology is great ain't it?

Best wishes to all


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mike,

    Good luck for Friday. Keep that spirit going.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Keep that positivity Mike, I wish you well.


    Jules x

  • FormerMember

    hi mike

    good for you babe im on my 6th thursday not relishing it but hey ho off we go again asked the doc yesterday whats next after this last cycle mri scan if its stable dont have to see them for 6 weeks if not back to the drawing board ie more chemo? rt ? he didnt say so off i went thinking bollox to this cancer you aint going to bloody grow anymore you can go take a bloody hike yet again so fingers crossed eh feet arms oh and if the wind gets any worse hun buy a kite lol!!! love and hugs keep smiling jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi mike,

    great to hear you so positive, fingers crossed for friday, I have just had my 8th chemo with 6 more to go, tiredness a problem with me too, just keep kicking that cancers ass!!!! sending you good wishers and hugs xxx

    p.s was wondering if you wanted to have *wind* competition with me? lol xxxx apparantly my grandkds think my um wind noises are *awesome* lol not proud of it but hey I see it as all the badness coming out x (my excuse anyway) :)

    on more serious note  good luck xx