Mike Dowding

  • 7th chemo


    7/12 underway/

    .So far ok but never sleep well on the first night of the 4 days with the "condom in a bottle" main problem of having it fitted on a Friday is having to go to the main cancer ward forf the disconnect on Sunday, always me feel guilty for interrupting a nurse who could be attending to a more needy patient on the ward.

    Was seated behind the tv so saw none of the wedding and the servcie happened…
  • A good news day


    Saw the cancer nurse today as the oncologist was incredibly busy. Was feeling good anyway but even better when she told me that my Cancer markers had gone from 17424 in January to 1194 and that my lft's had improved. Ready for 7th session of chemo tomorrow and feel after some lovely weather days with long walks in the park that I am ready to cope with it. Of course, the chemo means that I will miss the street party but…

  • Walk in the park


    Drove over to Cannon Hill Park and went for an hour long walk around. Although I was tired when I go home again, it was well worth it to get out in the sun and see the lovely flower beds. The place was heaving with families playing football, cricket, tennis etc and the queue for ice cream was incredibly long. Sat at the cafe and people watched for a while. Everbody seemed so much happier and were smiling even at strangers…

  • time off


    Had my line flush and bloods taken yesterday and now havea slight break as with the bank holidays I have another one booked for next Tuesday with the next chemo scheduled for the day of THE wedding. Guess I won't be going to the street party then! Not sure whether that's good or bad?


  • yeh! Sun!


    Strange how the sight of a sunny day makes you feel better. Did not sleep well last night, only 3 1/2 hours so was watching tv at 4.30 this morning. Had breakfast as the une came up, nothing tastes exactly as it should but not too terrible.so ok. The appetite though is still very good so that has to be a good thing - hopefully no more weight loss.

    Line flush and bllods tomorrow. Reminder to self - must get my old brain…