Melonama Warrior

  • Next Stage


    Well after going for 3 monthly check up on July 13th 2011 they informed me that a lymph node was enlarged in my right groin..... They tried to take a biospy there and then by hand but didnt manage to get a good sample so the booked me in for a ultra sound so that they could get an exact sample this would be done on the friday after 24 hours the bruising appeared from my groin down to the knee black and blue - when i went…

  • Diagnosis - Part 2


    Went home same day with leg bandaged from knee to foot ( See photos) dressing on skin graft

    Was told to rest with leg elevated and minimum movement!!

    Appointment 5 days later for check up at outpatients - but the weekend was one of the hottest for 2010 and never felt so uncomfortable by the sunday I had enough and asked my daughter to help me into the shower - there we were with black bin liners and masking tape and…

  • Diagnosis


    March 2010 - went to the Doctors for Blood Pressure check - mentioned that I wasn't to happy with a Mole on my right leg just above my ankle.  As it was a locum doctor he said that he would refer me to the dermatogist.  Got my appointment through begining of April and they asked me all the usual questions from how long it had been there to when did I notice any changes!!  Was informed that they would remove it and to…