Diagnosis - Part 2

1 minute read time.

Went home same day with leg bandaged from knee to foot ( See photos) dressing on skin graft

Was told to rest with leg elevated and minimum movement!!

Appointment 5 days later for check up at outpatients - but the weekend was one of the hottest for 2010 and never felt so uncomfortable by the sunday I had enough and asked my daughter to help me into the shower - there we were with black bin liners and masking tape and me butt naked and my daughter taping me up to cover all the dressings!!!  never felt so good as a lovely cool shower but my daughter is now scarred for life as she says!!!  Seeing her mother butt naked and helping her in and out of the shower ( Cant have a normal shower cubicle - its in the bath!!!)

5 days later went for my appointment and they started taking the dressings off - I said you can't be removing it all as its only 5 days oh yes they did as the needed to see if the graft had taken - when the nurse told with such glee that it had taken 100% I stole a look - oh my god have never seen anything so horrible - someone had take a pastry cutter and cut a scone out of my leg - it look black and big!!

But must say after that it all seemed to go well and after a few weeks I was able to do my own dressings and back to work begining of August.

After it had completely healed was down to 3 monthly checks at outpatients all was going great until July 2011 - my worse fear was confirmed - lymph node enlarged - and there was me fretting about a mole on my sole of my foot that I wasnt happy with.........

next blog - my journey of lymph node removal!!
