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Well after going for 3 monthly check up on July 13th 2011 they informed me that a lymph node was enlarged in my right groin..... They tried to take a biospy there and then by hand but didnt manage to get a good sample so the booked me in for a ultra sound so that they could get an exact sample this would be done on the friday after 24 hours the bruising appeared from my groin down to the knee black and blue - when i went on the friday for the ultra sound the doctor said to me do you bruise easy my words were no!!!!  The doctor managed to get a sample and told i would be booked in for a CT scan within in the next week even if the results came back negative - this was now really realy scary - dont think I slept properly for the entire week awaiting the scan and the further wait for results!!!  I had the results when i went back to the outpatient clinic the following tuesday and it was positive mm in the right groin and they would be doing a groin dissection as soon as the results from ct scan.  Had the ct scan the same week went back the following week and was informed that it had showed up something n my liver but they could not be 100% that it was not mm - so they arranged a MRI scan this i had within the following few days again it showed something that they could not rule out mm - so ery scared now - they arranged for me to a PET scan on the wednesday with surgery scheldued for the 4th August - i know it sounds silly but all I was concerned with was if I could still go away on holiday that had been booked for ages!!!!

The day of the surgery arrived and I still hadnt received my results from the PET scan - arrived at 8am at the hospital to be introduced to my plastic surgeon!!  and told the results - an all clear on the liver - it was a mass of blood vessels!!!  the relief was huge.  Went down for surgery feeling better but scared!! 

Waking up and being taken to the ward was a relief that it was all over even tho i had my buddies with me - Bill and Ben the blood pot men!!  The consultant came round a couple of hours later and told me they had removed 6 lymph nodes with only one showing mm - but the casing had started breaking down on the positive node.  I went home the next day armed with information and further appointment in outpatients the following Tuesday.  I did ask again if there was still a possiblity that I could go on my holiday and they said we have to wait and see the drains need to be removed and then would be how i felt!!

The following Tuesday came and at outpaitents they removed one of the drains (ah poor Ben was lost without Bill) and then they shortened the other drain.  Further appointment was made on the Friday this was d day as I was supposed to be going on holiday on the Saturday.  Friday came and they decided that the 2nd drain could be removed - I was holding my breath and crossing everything - drain removed and they told me that everything was looking good.  I took a deep breath and asked "Can I go on Holiday tomorrow then?"  They asked me where I would be going - "Majorca" I replied. The consultant looked at me and said "you want to go to Majorca tomorrow?"

"Yep" I said - he shook his said and laughed then said - "Yes - but please be careful and rest as much as possible"  If I could have jumped off the bed and hug him I would have!!!!!!!!

So my adventure to Majorca began................
