
1 minute read time.

March 2010 - went to the Doctors for Blood Pressure check - mentioned that I wasn't to happy with a Mole on my right leg just above my ankle.  As it was a locum doctor he said that he would refer me to the dermatogist.  Got my appointment through begining of April and they asked me all the usual questions from how long it had been there to when did I notice any changes!!  Was informed that they would remove it and to await an appointment which would be probably in the next 4 weeks. 

Had the mole removed at the end of April and was told they would send me an appointment for the results again in the next 4 weeks.  Got the appointment in the middle of May and was devasted to be told that it was melonama and they would need to do a further excision of the area which would include a skin graft in the next few weeks!!

I told them that I had a holiday booked with my daughter for a week at the begining of June.  Was infomred that it would be ok go on holiday and they would arrange surgery for the end of June!  As my Melonama was borderline and a very thin one.

Went on holiday but was very aware of what I had to go through when I came home.  Was very consious of how hot it was - very wary of burning!!  Used factor 50 and kept in the shade the whole week!

Arrived home to find that surgery was arranged for 29th June - went into hospital that day and had the procedure done under local - how I wish that I had a general - they numbed the area but during the procedure they informed that a nerve running through the area needed to be removed they asked for my permission to do this after asking questions on how this would effect me and told that I would probably have numbing sensation running down over the top of my foot I agreed for them to proceed.  They started to remove the nerve and I hit the ceiling as they hadnt put enough anesteptic in - I was lead there crying my eyes out while they rushed round getting more anesteptic - no-one apologised to me!!

Will carry on in my next blog!
