Me,Myself and the C word!


    I recently had TOTAL  robotic hysterectomy . It went very well. I was terrified, for I never had surgery in my life and now 75 yrs. old My stage came back as GRADE 1A with lymph nodes benign, etc. HOWEVER it showed on pathology LYMPHOVASCULAR IN...
  • D day is approaching

    Hi all. I survived the Irish weather so I guess I’ll survive this. I was called into hospital tonight for surgery first thing. Can’t wait to get it out the way. I had some antibiotics and heparin and I’m feeling pretty chilled. Migh...
  • Counting down the days

    I’m down to 6 days pre op. Tomorrow I’m off the Ireland to visit my family, and if truth be told ,to stuff my face! I’m really upbeat about everything and looking forward to waking up post surgery and hearing the magic words…...
  • The day I always thought I would escape.

    Hi and apologies, I’ve never written a blog or partaken in social media, but suddenly I find myself wanting to document my journey. A year ago I visited my GP with a pain in my chest, I have had stomach ulcers in the past and knew it was simila...