D day is approaching

Less than one minute read time.

Hi all. I survived the Irish weather so I guess I’ll survive this. I was called into hospital tonight for surgery first thing. Can’t wait to get it out the way. I had some antibiotics and heparin and I’m feeling pretty chilled. Might not at 6am. Of course I took full advantage of my proposed surgery and ate everything I wanted.  Just a little note, maybe it’s my imagination but I didn’t enjoy the food and that’s from a food obsession person. Nothing tastes good. Obviously I’ll have way more to moan about after tomorrow. It’s really beneficial to have a space to share your thoughts where no one knows you because if I so much as sneeze my family and friends are needing resuscitating so I don’t talk about anything with them, which means I bottle it up. I can’t believe how brave everyone on here is even faced with the bleakest of news. It gives me great motivation and honour to read your stories. 

  • Finally out the other end and just past the two week mark. I feel really good. It went so quick and realistically I had very few complications. I’m going to post a diary of each day but I’m somewhat lacking typing enthusiasm at the moment. Keep strong battlers!