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I recently had TOTAL  robotic hysterectomy . It went very well. I was terrified, for I never had surgery in my life and now 75 yrs. old My stage came back as GRADE 1A with lymph nodes benign, etc. HOWEVER it showed on pathology LYMPHOVASCULAR INVASION PRESENT. I spoke to my surgeon yesterday while going over my postop report.  He said this is NOT the lymph nodes, it is invasion of cells in vessels, which is making me terrified.  Going through all this anxiety re surgery and being so happy when I saw my report with low stage and now i need to go through RADIATION .brachytherapy . I have an appt. with ongologist/radiologist tomorrow.  I have been on a constant roller coaster ride since the beginning of May with biopsies, US, etc. I though after my surgery it would over. I am so depressed and not quite sure of this invasion. I know I will get more info tomorrow. So sad. 
