Counting down the days

1 minute read time.

I’m down to 6 days pre op. Tomorrow I’m off the Ireland to visit my family, and if truth be told ,to stuff my face! I’m really upbeat about everything and looking forward to waking up post surgery and hearing the magic words… “it’s all gone”. Not the stomach but the c bit. I don’t think I mentioned I LOVE FOOD! I met the hospital staff today when I went to see the anaesthetist. I pretended to be funny and jolly because if they knew what an evil, crazy banshee I can be they might transfer me to the psych ward instead. I figured I’ll ply them with chocolates and surely they’ll overlook the “ I’m a pain in the arse, get me out of here”. I still don’t know about post op chemo etc mainly because I don’t ask. One major incident at a time! I seem to have gained multiple “get out of jail free” cards because I had a mini stressy fit about the mess of the floor and my husband just ignored me when usually he’s very enthusiastic to engage in WW3. I mean seriously, this could be very advantageous. I wonder how long it lasts? I don’t see the oncologist until two weeks post op. That’s a bit weird isn’t it? Maybe they think they will wait until I’ve been dissected to make a plan. I have to tell you brave, courageous people to keep up the fight because the absolute truth is, I have seen people in my situation give up and in a few weeks they are gone BUT more importantly I’ve seen people with stage four break all records of life expectancy, and done so with style and dignity. Medically it doesn’t make sense so there has to be something in “mind over matter”. Of course if I wake up post surgery and like my mother they say we couldn’t do anything because it’s spread everywhere then I would have to reevaluate everything again. 
