Our Day at the Hospital

1 minute read time.

Tuesday, 17th May 2011

I was dreading today but it didn't turn out too bad and in fact the decision John was dreading was not his to make.

The doctor was a young woman - one we hadn't seen before and who was so informative about John's condition.  His blood results showed that he had a very low blood count and his blood pressure reading was low too.  Because John has suffered from angina in the past and had a double heart by-pass, the low blood count and blood pressure are putting a big strain on his heart, hence the exhaustion.  So it wasn't just the chemo that's making him low.

She also told us that his most recent scan showed that the initial tumour had shrunk although there was a mass there which was probably scar tissue.  There are a couple of spots on the liver which they are concerned about but he's had three sessions of chemo since that scan so I'm hoping they've been zapped!

She talked with the consultant while we were there and he thinks that the final session of chemo is not necessary and that the side effects would outweigh the benefits.  Up to then, we thought he was scheduled for eight sessions but it seems it was only six. 

She booked him in for two units of blood this afternoon so we have had a very long day - each unit takes two hours to go through.  He's lying on the bed exhausted with our little doggie cuddled up beside him.

So, no more chemo!  I could see the relief on John's face. 

He has a CT scan booked for 2nd June and will then see the Consultant two weeks later.  He's to stop taking his blood pressure tablets but must stay closely monitored by his own GP. 

So I shall work hard to keep his spirits up, which isn't easy because John's a born worrier.  We've got to stay positive!  One day at a time and concentrate on enjoying the summer.

Thank you so much for your encouraging words and thoughts - they really do help.

Love to you all.

Madge x x x x x
