Aiming for John to come home on Monday.

2 minute read time.

Today was a better day than yesterday but John's still not out of the woods so far as his pain and sickness are concerned.  He's still asking for more drugs on top of the patch behind his ear (hyacine) for his sickness and his slow release tabs (oxycontin) for his pain.  Trouble is that the extra drugs make him so sleepy, twitchy and confused but I suppose that's the price he has to pay to be free from these dreadful symptoms.

Had a bit of a shock yesterday.  My granddaughter Kim, aged 17, arrived to vist in the afternoon and I nipped out to ferry John's niece home.  I was only gone about 40 minutes but in that time a doctor came to see John and, in front of my granddaughter, talked about signing a 'non-resuscitation' form for when he goes home.  Luckily she is a very mature and level headed girl but I could see that she was upset and she said that she didn't think John even understood what the doctor was talking about any way.  I didn't make an official complaint but I did speak to another doctor today who said she would look into it.

All in all the MacMillan Unit is a wonderful place and the staff are really caring and kind towards both patients and relatives.  I'd recommend it to anyone.

They have put a 'care package' in place for when John goes home (hopefully on Monday) with nurses coming in regularly to bathe him, etc. and an O.T. is going to assess our flat for anything he might need in the way of equipment.  One thing I'm going to do is to look at reclining chairs.  Our three piece suite is not the most comfortable and I want him to be able to sit in the lounge and relax when he wants to.  Staying in bed all the time is not a good thing I feel.

I popped into the Chapel today and sat for a while.  It is such a beautiful and peaceful place and I said a little prayer for John, even though I'm not sure whether I believe any more.  I do believe there is something far better than this world and I hope that is where John will go when the time comes.  I hope too that he will be reunited with his loved ones and pets that have gone before him and that he and I will meet again one day.

Once again, thank you for all your lovely encouraging words.  They really do help and especially as you all have your own troubles to bear.  I love all of you very much and appreciate every single word you write. 

Madge x x x x x


  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,Glad John is coming home,and hope you get him that nice relaxing chair,Pete been in bed all day today,I started bad this morning back and forth to the loo,i just pray im not coming down with anything as you know that is our worst fear that we become ill and cant tend to our loved ones.take care Love Chris.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,  good to hear that everything is being put in place for John to come home on Monday and for him to be safe.  Speak to the OT about a rise and recliner chair for John as mum was given one when she came home from the hospital.  It was a really lovely leather one, extremely comfy and also helped her get up from the chair and to sit back down as it supported her.  I am disgusted that the Doctor discussed the DNR form with your grandaughter present, enough said.  Hope it all works out well with the medication and that John gets home on Monday.  Sending both of you love and hugs.  Caroline XX  

  • FormerMember

    Hello Madge i have been thinking of you both xx

    I`m glad there is a care package in place for John and I hope you can get a comfy recliner for him too.

    Some of these Drs deserve a slap :(  They should have the common sense not to discuss this with such a young lady :(  whatever were they thinking of :(( it makes me mad.  And im so sorry your lovely grandaughter had to go through that. She sounds such a brave young lady.

    My sister had the same patches for her sickness Madge but she had them topped up with injections of Cyclazine aswell.

    (((HUGS))) for you both xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you and John.

    Lots of love


  • FormerMember

    hi madge

    macmillan were fab with my dad and got him all sorts of things including a reclining chair...might be worth asking them

    thinking of u all

    wendie xx